Sunday, September 19, 2010

Days 12 & 13

Day 12: Something You Are OCD About..
I am OCD about a few things but the number one thing I am OCD about is keeping my planner up to date. I love my Lilly agenda book. I like having the monthly views and the daily views --- It comes with stickers which I am not such a bag fan of but I love looking in my purse and seeing the bright colors!

 Day 13: Ficitional Book

We have definitely already covered this topic but I love Nanny Diaries, Something Borrowed/Something Blue, Devil Wears Prada, Chasing Harry Winston, Everyone worth Knowing, etc..etc...

I just found out that the author of Devil Wears Prada and the last two I mentioned came out with a new book, "Last Night at Chateau Marmont"

I will definitely be picking up a copy soon. But while we are on the topic of books, guess what I purchased yesterday!?!?

I will let you know what I think of it as soon as I have had a chance to dive in...


  1. I know what you mean by your agenda, I live out of mine too! I didn't know Lilly had stickers. I have been using Vera's forever know and this year they stopped using stickers, I was bummed! I am looking for a new book series to get into, any recs?

  2. Have you read the something borrowed series? Or the ones by the Devil Wears Prada author Lauren Weis....dont know how to say it!? I love them all. How is Chelsea??
